Category: Baudelaire, Charles

  • Ἑαυτὸντιμωρούμενος

    L’Héautontimouroménos par Charles Baudelaire À J.G.F. Je te frapperai sans colère Et sans haine, comme un boucher, Comme Moïse le rocher! Et je ferai de ta paupière, Pour abreuver mon Saharah, Jaillir les eaux de la souffrance. Mon désir gonflé d’espérance Sur tes pleurs salés nagera Comme un vaisseau qui prend le large, Et dans…

  • Les Yeux des pauvres

    While reading about the devastation occasioned by Hurricane Katrina, I came across this prose poem by Baudelaire. It, of course, was written long before our southern cities and towns were ravaged, having been first published in 1864, and I’m not sure it has much to contribute to a discussion of the disaster (at any rate,…

  • L’Invitation au voyage

    Laura reminded me that a CD I was listening to quoted this poem in the liner notes. I believe it was originally published in Les Fleurs du mal. As it is simple enough for me to understand, even with my weak French, I thought I’d post it. I’m working on torturing my translation into rhyme,…