Category: Swinburne, Algernon Charles

  • Swinburne on Swinburne

    Swinburne has long been my favorite poet, and on winter nights like tonight, I love to curl up with a small glass of some choice intoxicating liquor and read some intoxicating Swinburne verse. But I am aware that there are some who do not think, as I do, that Swinburne was the greatest English poet…

  • The Internet Is Not Yet Full: A Brief Tale of Two Poems

    In a brief moment of quiet this afternoon, I was browsing the poetry shelf in my home library today and noticed a book I did not know we owned: Sonnets of This Century, edited and arranged, with a critical introduction on the sonnet, by William Sharp. The little volume was published by Walter Scott of…

  • Selections

    from Félise by Swinburne Two gifts perforce he has given us yet,   Though sad things stay and glad things fly ; Two gifts he has given us, to forget   All glad and sad things that go by,   And then to die. from Ilicet by Swinburne A little sorrow, a little pleasure, Fate metes us from…

  • RE: Nephelidia

    I tell ya, I’m such a sucker for alliteration. (That and lights on trees in the winter.) So, needless to say, I enjoyed the Swinburne poem you posted Mike. The snow is blowing out here in Nebraska, but not as high as the trees. That’s a good thing though since I intend to come home…

  • Happy Birthday, Lawless

    A poem in your honor:

  • Snippets

    From my law school applications: Lines Written Upon Reading the Caption Below a Picture of Natalie Portman with Her Hand Down the Back of Her Jeans, which Said Something about Ants in Her Pants by Me, Unfortunately Let us make haste, depart ; she will not dance. Let us quaff our drinks and leave for…

  • A Leave-Taking

    Counterpoint: A Leave-Taking by Algernon Charles Swinburne Let us go hence, my songs ; she will not hear. Let us go hence together without fear ; Keep silence now, for singing-time is over, And over all old things and all things dear. She loves not you nor me as all we love her. Yea, though…