Category: Admin

  • Linked Up

    The Atlantic Monthly has a good poetry page that you can access here. It has some new poems and articles as well as a searchable archive. We should compile a list of useful poetry links… I’ll keep posting ones as I find them..

  • Some Blog Suggestions

    A few thoughts on making this blog a little prettier. I like the general format to begin with, so most of this is just detail: *Title Font color should match the font color in the banner (the “Mind of Winter” color) *If its possible to highlight the titles of posts it might break up the…

  • A Note about the blog

    I just installed this ‘Content Management System’ on Sunday, so I haven’t really had time to work out all (any) of the bugs, quirks, annoyances or other features that might be less than desirable. Any suggestions are welcome. If you don’t like the interface, we have options. Also, I know it looks pretty ugly right…